Dr. Rob Myers

Dr. Rob Myers

Dr. Rob Myers is Director of the MU Center for Regenerative Agriculture and an Extension Professor in the Plant Science and Technology Division. Since 2010, he has also served as Regional Director of Extension Programs for the North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (NCR-SARE) programIn his leadership role with the Center for Regenerative Agriculture, he administers a $25 million USDA climate-smart grant called the Missouri CRCL Project and also the $10 million National Cover Crop Variety Development Project, along with other grant projectsHis professional expertise encompasses sustainable and regenerative agriculture, soil health, conservation, and cropping system diversification. In the digital agriculture area, he has been involved with efforts to develop online cover crop economic decision tools, use remote sensing with cover crops, and participate with the electric autonomous tractor team at MU.  He has also written and spoken regularly on the use of new equipment technology with cover crops and conservation agriculture. 


Key words: Regenerative agriculture; Cover Crop; Soil health; Sustainable ag