Bradley Schad
Bradley Schad serves as the chief executive officer of the Missouri Corn Growers Association (MCGA) and the Missouri Corn Merchandising Council (MCMC). Bradley began his involvement with the organizations in 2008, managing programs focused on ethanol and other market opportunities.
Serving corn farmers as the senior director of market development and grower engagement, Bradley has worked with the state’s farmer-owned ethanol plants on current and existing business ventures and developed new value-added opportunities for Missouri’s corn producers.
A graduate of the University of Missouri with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Systems Management and a minor in Agricultural Economics, Bradley is a passionate advocate for the industry. Raised on a farm, he continues to stay actively involved in the family’s grain and livestock operations. Before joining Missouri Corn, Bradley worked with Schaffter Equipment, a John Deere dealership located in Tipton, Mo.
Bradley and his wife Dana currently reside in Versailles, Mo. They have two active boys, Braden and Luke.
The Missouri Corn Growers Association is a grassroots organization formed in 1978. With approximately 1,800 members across the state, the Missouri Corn Growers Association plays a key role in expanding corn markets, protecting the environment, and passing effective legislation at the state and federal levels.
The Missouri Corn Merchandising Council was formed in 1984 after a referendum was passed to establish a one-half cent per bushel of corn checkoff. Today, the Missouri corn checkoff collects 1 cent for each bushel of corn sold on commercial channels and is refundable. Checkoff dollars are invested in developing and expanding corn markets, educating growers and customers, and exploring new research.